Saudi Arabia reports 1.8 million pilgrims for Hajj 1445 AH


Published: 2024-06-15 19:12

Last Updated: 2024-06-27 20:53

Saudi Arabia reports 1.8 million pilgrims for Hajj 1445 AH
Saudi Arabia reports 1.8 million pilgrims for Hajj 1445 AH

The General Authority for Statistics in Saudi Arabia announced on Saturday that the total number of pilgrims for Hajj in 1445 AH reached 1,833,164.

This includes 1,611,310 pilgrims from abroad arriving through various ports and 221,854 pilgrims from within the Kingdom, comprising both citizens and residents.

According to the Authority's statistical results for Hajj 1445, there were 958,137 male pilgrims and 875,027 female pilgrims among the total number.

For the pilgrims arriving from outside the Kingdom, 22.3 percent came from Arab countries, 63.3 percent from non-Arab Asian countries, 11.3 percent from non-Arab African countries, and 11.3 percent from European, American, and Australian countries. An additional 3.2 percent were from other unclassified countries.

Regarding their modes of arrival, 1,546,345 pilgrims arrived by air, 60,251 by land, and 4,714 by sea.

In issuing the statistical data and indicators for the Hajj season of 1445 AH/2024 AD, the General Authority for Statistics relied on administrative records data from all governmental and private agencies involved in serving the pilgrims.

This approach, which uses unified forms to collect various data elements, continues the statistical methodology followed for the past three years.